问:关于超灵,In regard to oversouls, 是他们为我们选择了主题?还是超灵的每个分支都选择了自己的主题?Do they choose our themes for us or does each branch of the oversoul choose its own theme? 例如:For example instance: 有时候我觉得我搞砸了身为父母的角色,Sometimes Ifeel like Iam messing up my role as a parent, 我的孩子因为我的养育错误而受苦,And my children suffer for my parenting mistakes, 这是可能的吗,还是我的孩子选择我是因为他们知道我将为他们提供作为他们父母的体验?Is that possible? or did my children choose me knowing that experiences Iwould be providing for them as their parent?I 所以无论我做什么,And therefore no matter what Ido, 都是正确的。It is right. 一旦选定了主题,你能在地球上改变它们吗?如何改变?Can you change themes here on earth once they’re chosen and how? 巴夏:只是因为父母和孩子选择彼此,并不意味着你就不会犯错,Just because parents and children choose each other doesn’t mean you can’t make mistakes, 要明白,误解会发生,犯错会发生,挑战会出现,但是重要的是一起面对,But there was an understanding that misunderstandings might occur mistakes might occur challenges would crop up that are important to face together, 你们每个人都为彼此提供了反照,And each of you provide reflections for each other, 这并不意味着你所做的一切都是“对”的,It doesn’t mean that everything you do quote unquote is right, 它可能是失准不正确的,It can be out of alignment, 因此选择在一起是为了从彼此身上得到反照来自我校正,校正道路的方向,回归一致,Therefore the choice that was made to be together is for the purpose of getting the reflections from one another to self-correct to course correct to go back into alignment, 所以可以说,你可以犯错,So you can make mistakes so to speak. 但是错误不会产生错误,But the mistake doesn’t come out as the effect of a mistake, 如果你从中学到教训,If you learn from it, 如果你明白,它的存在是有原因的,是为了你接触到能帮助你回归一致的东西,If you understand it’s there for a reason to put you in touch with things that can help you go back into alignment, 利用你与父母和孩子的关系,向彼此反映需要知道的东西来更加成为你自己,And use the relationships you have with parents and children to reflect to one another what you need to know to become more of yourselves, 并且愿意用这种方式去探索这些事情,And are willingto explore those things in that way, 所以要知道,协议的达成,允许你总结,允许你探索,允许你犯错,So the idea is to know that agreements were made generalizations were allowed explorations were allowed mistakes were allowed, 因为每个人都知道,你不一定能正确地理解所有事情,不一定能准确地理解你正在经历的事情,Because everyone knows that you may not necessarily get everything correctly and understood in exactly the experiences you are having right away, 但你被给予自由的支配和自由意志去校正路线,去探索,去调查,去决定什么与你一致,什么与你不一致,But you are given free reign and free will to course correct to explore to investigate to determine what for you is in or out of alignment, 利用朋友、家人和其它灵魂来获得你所需要的反照,并分享你所能给予的反照,以帮助彼此回归一致,并在你的生活中做出积极和有建设性的选择。And use friends and family and other souls to get the reflections you need and to share the reflections you can give to help each other come into alignment and to make positive and constructive choices in your lives.