如果这位通灵者没有跟随他的激情,那他就无法将我们的信息传导给你们,也无法去做那些象征着他的激情的其他事情. 而这些事情,总是以他需要的方式,支持他在生活中的一切所需. Again, there are many definitions of abundance and support.当然,富足与支持,有许多的定义与形式。 Don’t limit yourself to the idea of only one or two definitions.你们不要限制自己,认为只有一两种。 But the idea is that whatever it is you’re passionate about must by definition, contain the ability to support you as a career as a job or different versions of it will do so.重点是:任何让你感到激情的事情,根据其定义,肯定都具有支持你的能力,不论那是一份工作,还是事业,还是其他形式的支持。
So open up your imagination and inspiration and be willing to explore the high probability and the high possibility that what it is at any given moment that you truly are passionate about is actually something that can sustain you in life.所以,放飞你的想象力,激发你的灵感,并积极地去探索这一“很高的可能性”,也就是:任何时候,那些你充满激情,并且热爱的事情,恰恰能够很好地支持你的生活。